One of the main reasons to own lights for cycling is to be seen by vehicles when on the road or crossing intersections. Our favorite use is to help escape day light savings during the winter months. Can you tell we are against it being dark by 6pm? Some of us like to get outside after work hours year round. That said, we recommend Light & Motion lights above all other brands due to their Made in America quality and performance. Pricing is better than ever before and there are more options to choose from. We chose a handful of lights that we feel are ideal for lot’s of different types of riding starting in the $150 range. Come get educated and we’ll let you take one for a test ride before you buy! Commuters, road bikers, and mountain bikers alike can see when it counts with Light & Motion. …and you thought the L&M Seca 800 was bright. You should see the lumens coming out of the Seca 1700!!