FCP Thursday Road Rides!
April 14th, 2011We’ll we started up earlier this year since so many people were asking when we would get rolling again! This ride has been going strong for almost 3 years now! We met lots of cool people that share a love for pedaling bikes! There are route options to accommodate different rider levels. We have 20, 25, and 35 mile routes planned out and split into groups according to attendance and rider ability. The 25 mile route is the most popular and the pace varies but on average we pedal at 14-16 mph as a group. We stop at all major turns and hill tops to collect everyone. This is a no drop ride that anyone with a road bike and some experience can complete. We recommend front and rear lights, a helmet, water, nutrition bars, and flat repair necessities(tube, tire levers, CO2 or a pump). The 35 mile route is a faster ride averaging 18-21 mph…no drop as well.  Post ride beverages are optional but recommended.
Knoxiecross is for everyone!
December 28th, 2010This is an event where you get to ride your bicycle in a park on a predetermined course for a determined amount of time at the fastest pace you can achieve.  Come out to race or spectate and be a part of the Knoxville cycling community! The more attendance the better! Bring a bike and/or a p0p up tent and chairs! Get your heckle on!
Additional race info.
More Uvex Helmets coming!
December 2nd, 2010The Uvex XP100 helmet is our #1 pick for mountain biking! At $100 with a matte finish the XP100 has more adjustments, stays put better, and costs less than the Giro Zen and the Fox Flux helmets in the same category and price range! The XP has all the same adjustments and has a glossy finish for $80! Also, the Uvex Boss Race at $119 for the road riders looking for unlimited adjustments, big air scooping vents, and a speedy look is one of our favorites too! Made in Germany!
58cm Marin Verona on Sale!
November 29th, 2010This bike is on sale for $1500 from $1900!! At regular price this bike is hard to beat! The comfort of the natural fit hydro formed aluminum/carbon frame matched with the 105 level components, FSA Carbon cranks, and the Mavic Aksium Race wheelset is obvious when riding this bike! We used this bike for a couple rides but is still in new condition and includes all our free service like usual! Come by for a test ride!
2011 Tour de Lights on Dec. 16!!!
November 17th, 2010Be there or put square wheels on your square bike! Ride the streets of Knoxville with a Police escort and all the lights and decorations you can mount to your bike! Last year there were over 450 riders!! Let’s make it 500+ !! Let’s see how many people in Knoxville ride bicycles! We’ll be there giving free safety checks on bicycles and riding along! Make sure to wear a helmet and have front and rear lights! We always have free reflectors here at the store for those missing them so come in… we’ll install them too! This is a family friendly event so bring the kids too!